Agreement statement

Ⅰ.Registration Agreement

This agreement is a contract between you and Flyocr (website: regarding the API services provided by Flyocr and related matters. Please read this agreement carefully. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, you should immediately stop using the services provided by

Article 1 Confirmation and Acceptance of the Service Terms of this Site

1.1 The ownership and operation rights of all services of this site belong to Flyocr.

1.2 By clicking to agree to this agreement, the user confirms that they have the capacity to enjoy the services of this site, apply for authorization, etc., and can independently assume legal responsibilities.

1.3 Flyocr reserves the right to independently decide to refuse service, close user accounts, delete or edit content, or cancel authorization within a certain scope.

Article 2 Service of this Site

2.1 Flyocr provides users with OCR and other network cloud computing services. Users have the right to use the relevant services of this site only when they fully agree to this agreement and the regulations of this site.

2.2 When providing network services, Flyocr may charge certain fees to users for some network services according to the application for authorization. In this case, Flyocr will provide clear prompts on the relevant pages. If users do not agree to pay the fee, they may not accept the relevant network services.

Article 3 User Information

3.1 "Flyocr Account" is the basic service provided by Flyocr to help users better use Flyocr's API services. After registration, you can obtain a better user experience by completing basic information such as account name, contact person, and company name. Users agree that the registration information provided by them is true, accurate, complete, and legally effective. If there is any change in the user's registration information, the user should update it promptly. If the registration information provided by the user is illegal, untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, the user shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and consequences, and Flyocr reserves the right to terminate the user's use of various services.

3.2 When users browse, apply for authorization, and other activities on this site involve the user's real name/name, mailing address, contact number, email address, and other private information, this site will keep it strictly confidential. Unless authorized by the user or otherwise provided by law, this site will not disclose user's private information to the outside world.

3.3 If users lend their accounts registered on this site to others for use, users shall bear all the responsibilities arising therefrom, and shall jointly assume responsibilities with the actual users.

3.4 Users agree that Flyocr has the right to use user's registration information, username, password, and other information to log in to the user's registered account for evidence preservation, including but not limited to notarization, witnessing, etc.

Article 4 Disclaimer

4.1 Users expressly agree that they will bear all risks associated with their use of Flyocr services; and all consequences arising from their use of Flyocr services shall be borne by themselves, and Flyocr shall not bear any responsibility for users.

Article 5 Changes, Interruptions, or Termination of Service

5.1 If network services need to be suspended due to system maintenance or upgrades, Flyocr will give advance notice as much as possible (by sending a notice email to the email address filled in the user's account).

5.2 When users engage in behaviors such as posting illegal information, seriously violating social morality, and violating other prohibitive regulations, Flyocr has the right to immediately terminate the provision of services to users.

5.3 When users engage in prohibited behaviors explicitly stipulated or informed in this agreement while accepting Flyocr services, Flyocr has the right to terminate the provision of services to users.

5.4 If users provide false registration identity information or engage in behaviors that violate this agreement, Flyocr shall notify the user and inform the user of the suspension period when taking suspension measures. The suspension period shall be reasonable, and Flyocr shall promptly restore services to users upon the expiration of the suspension period.

Ⅱ.Service Agreement

General Provisions

1. Flyocr Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is a valid contract between Flyocr (website: and all entities (including but not limited to individuals, teams, etc.) (hereinafter referred to as "Developers") using Flyocr interface services.

2. The Developer acknowledges that before using flyocr interface service, they have carefully read the contents of this agreement. If the Developer does not agree to the terms of this agreement, they should immediately stop using the services provided by Flyocr.

Service Content and Usage Rules

1. Flyocr interface service is a platform provided by Flyocr to concentrate on providing OCR recognition and related application development network technology services for developers. The Developer expressly agrees that any risks associated with using Flyocr will be entirely at their own risk.

2. Flyocr does not provide any guarantee for its cloud services and usage. Flyocr does not guarantee the applicability of its cloud services to any user, nor does it guarantee that faults will not occur. At the same time, Flyocr does not assume any responsibility for any theoretical or actual losses suffered from using Flyocr cloud services.

3. When the Developer requests testing services or other services from Flyocr, the information provided must be accurate and complete, and must have been obtained from the information subject in a legal and compliant manner with valid authorization (this authorization must have a clear authorization period and authorization matters). The Developer must ensure that the information subject has been fully explained and understands the legal consequences of the authorized actions before providing relevant information. Any disputes and all responsibilities and consequences arising from this use of Flyocr services shall be borne by the user of Flyocr services.

Accounts and Passwords

1. Flyocr accounts are registered using email addresses. When registering a Flyocr account, you need to provide an email address and set an account password for registration and login. The ownership of Flyocr accounts belongs to Flyocr. After the Developer completes the registration application, they obtain the right to use flyocr account. Developers should promptly provide detailed and accurate personal information, and continuously update registration information to meet timely, detailed, and accurate requirements. All originally entered information will be referred to as registration information. Flyocr bears no responsibility for any problems caused by untrue or missing registration information and the consequences thereof. For example, the email address provided during registration is used as a channel to receive announcements issued by Flyocr. Flyocr will send relevant information to the email address filled in the user's registration account before performing actions such as service adjustments, maintenance, and system upgrades that affect the service.

2. Developers should not transfer or lend their accounts or passwords to others. If a Developer finds that their account is being illegally used by others, they should immediately notify Flyocr. Flyocr bears no responsibility for any consequences arising from hacker activities or the Developer's negligence in safeguarding their account and password.

Privacy Protection

1. In order to further improve your experience in using Flyocr services, we will collect necessary data and information while providing services to you, and provide you with more advanced and considerate services by analyzing this data.

2. Flyocr will not retain, disclose, edit, or disclose the personal information of developers or the non-public content stored in Flyocr without the legitimate authorization of developers.

Privacy Protection

1. Flyocr reserves complete, indivisible ownership and intellectual property rights to the following contents and information:

(1)Flyocr website and all its elements, including but not limited to all content, data, technology, software, code, user interface, and any related derivative works.

(2)Any information and feedback provided by Developers to Flyocr related to platform services.

2. Developers may not modify, reverse engineer, reverse compile, or reverse assemble products with intellectual property rights or authorization from Flyocr; may not delete all copyright information or content; may not independently engage in, including but not limited to, the following behaviors: use, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, establish mirror sites, or independently develop derivative products, works, services, etc., related to software.

Other Terms

1. Flyocr reserves the right to revise and update this Service Agreement on its own. Once relevant revisions or updates occur, Flyocr will promptly publish the revised and updated content on this page, and Developers should promptly check whether this page has been updated. If the Developer or user believes that the changes are unacceptable, they should stop using Flyocr services. If the Developer fails to perform the above operations or continues to use Flyocr-related services, it is deemed that the Developer accepts the amended terms and is willing to be bound by them.

2. If there is any dispute between the parties regarding the content or implementation of this Agreement, the parties shall try to resolve it amicably; if negotiation fails, either party may bring a lawsuit to the People's Court where Flyocr is located.


1. When using FlyocrAPI service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"), all fees require be paid in accordance with the pricing system of the Service. Flyocr reserves the right to refuse to provide services and technical support to users until all fees are paid as agreed, or to terminate services and technical support.

2. Flyocr may modify and change the fee schedule, validity period, and payment methods of fee-based services according to actual needs. It may also start charging for some previously free services. If you do not agree with the above modifications, changes, or payment terms, please discontinue the use of the service.

3. If there are adjustments to the name, specifications, or prices of the Service at the time of renewal, you agree to comply with the new name, specifications, or prices that are in effect at that time. If you disagree with the new name, specifications, or prices of the service, you may choose not to renew, and the Service will automatically terminate upon expiration (up to a maximum validity period of 1 year).

Ⅳ.Rights and Obligations of Users

1. Users are required to timely and fully pay the fees for using FlyocrAPI service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). Otherwise, Flyocr reserves the right to terminate the use of the Service at any time. You shall be solely responsible for any damages that may arise from the termination of the Service.

2. Users must comply with laws and regulations when using this service and must not engage in illegal activities, including but not limited to:

(1)Publishing, transmitting, disseminating, or storing content that infringes upon the legitimate rights of others, such as intellectual property rights and trade secrets, and so on;

(2)Maliciously fabricating facts, concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

(3)Maliciously fabricating facts, concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

(4)Other behaviors prohibited by laws and regulations.

3. In order to effectively strengthen business compliance management and information security management, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, enterprises, public interests, and national interests, Flyocr users and developers are required to commit to, including but not limited to:

(1)Commit to using this service following the principles of legality, legitimacy, and necessity, legally safeguarding corporate trade secrets, while also not infringing upon the personal privacy of users or individual citizen's personal information.

(2)Commit to obtaining valid written authorization (including legal electronic authorization) from the information subject before collecting, organizing, storing, processing, or providing any non-public information to third parties. There should be no unauthorized queries or verification activities, no acts of impersonation or theft of customer information, and no unlawful use, disclosure, sale, or purchase of customer information.

(3)Commit to ensuring that the application scenarios for using this service are legal and compliant. The business activities of partner merchants and clients should not be suspected of or involved in facilitating illegal high-interest loans or activities explicitly prohibited such as "loan sharking," "cash loans," "campus loans," violent or illegal debt collection practices. Users shall not provide assistance for any of the aforementioned prohibited activities. Additionally, users should refrain from harassing third-party contacts or engaging in fraudulent, harassing, obscene, violent, or illegal activities. Any external complaints, negative publicity, and legal liabilities arising from these actions will be the sole responsibility of the user.

(4)Commit to establishing strict information and data security management systems, enhancing information security and personnel management, controlling the scope of information and data access, appointing dedicated personnel for oversight, and requiring employees with access to information and data to sign confidentiality agreements similar to those under the main contract. Users are not allowed to disclose, disseminate, or leak to third parties any business secrets or personal information obtained during the cooperation process, ensuring that relevant staff comply with the obligations under the main contract.

(5)If the user violates the above commitments, any losses and legal consequences (including but not limited to criminal liabilities, administrative penalties, civil disputes, etc.) shall be solely borne by the user and developer. If Flyocr incurs losses or is required to compensate a third party in advance, Flyocr reserves the right to demand full compensation from the user and developer for all losses, as well as any litigation/arbitration expenses and reasonable attorney fees incurred. In the event of discovering any actions or risks of violation of the commitments by the user and developer, Flyocr reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate the cooperation.

(6)The above commitments are effective throughout the cooperation period between the user, developer, and Flyocr on all projects.

4. If you violate the provisions herein and cause damages, you shall compensate as required by law, and Flyocr shall not bear any responsibility. Moreover, if your violation of the provisions herein causes harm to any third party, you shall independently bear the responsibility; you should also compensate Flyocr for any losses suffered as a result.

Ⅴ.Term and Termination

1. Each account is limited to one free test quota, valid for 15 days. For example: If a user applies for a free test quota for document recognition for their account A on November 1, 2023, at 12:00:00, the document recognition test quota within account A will expire and reset to zero on November 16, 2023, at 12:00:00, and so forth.

2. The validity period for using the Flyocr API service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") purchased through payment is based on the time displayed on the payment page. After the expiration, the Service count will be reset to zero. For example: If a user tops up 100,000 document recognitions for their account A on November 1, 2023, at 12:00:00, with an expiration of 1 year as indicated on the payment page, the document recognition count within account A will expire on November 1, 2024, at 12:00:00, and the count will be reset to zero, and so forth.

3. For orders of the same category of API services, the usage count of the previous order will be deducted first. For example: If the same account purchases an invoice recognition service on November 1, 2023, with order number 01, and the service count is not fully utilized, and then on November 8, 2023, purchases another invoice recognition service with order number 02, the service count from order number 01 will be deducted first. Once the service count in order number 01 expires or is depleted, the deduction will automatically switch to the service count of order number 02.

4. Flyocr reserves the right to terminate the provision of the Service without any liability in the following circumstances:

(1)The user's purchased Service has expired and has not been renewed.

(2)The user severely violates the terms of this agreement, and Flyocr notifies them to make corrections but the violations remain uncorrected.